- Written by Michael Kelland
The submission to the Regional Telecommunication Review received a mention in the Canberra Times !!!
Follow the link below to the story.
2021 Regional Telecommunications Independent Review receives more than 650 submissions
Excerpt from the story;
Peak representative bodies such as Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, AgForce Queensland Farmers Limited and Yarramalong Communications Action Group also entered submissions.
In it's submission, the Yarramalong Communications Action Group outlined a number of key concerns sparked by limited access to high-speed telecommunications services including challenges facing those doing online education, communication issues during disasters and deteriorating mobile coverage.
"After hearing stories from other regions during this review in a similar predicament, it seems our region is not unique in suffering poor communications," the group's submission read.
"We understand that about eight per cent of Australia is suffering the same fate, having had fixed-line services for decades only to have them replaced by a poorer substitute."
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- Written by Michael Kelland
Submissions for the 2021 Regional Telecommunications Review have been published earlier this year. The Regional Telecommunications Review was an opportunity for people living and working in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia to share their views and experiences using telecommunications services in their area. This review is conducted once every three years.
Thank you to the following members of the local community for their assistance in pulling together our submission to the review.
Breanna Pollock
Jaap Timmer
Alan Smedley
Dave Nouwens
Michael Kelland
Libby Keating
Warren Simmons
Below is the link to our submission.
Yarramalong Communication Action Group Submission
The Committee provided its report, 2021 Regional Telecommunications Review: A step change in demand to the Minister for Regionalisation, Regional Communications and Regional Education, Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie on 13 December 2021 and it was tabled in Parliament on 14 February 2022.
2021 Regional Telecommunications Review Report
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- Written by Michael Kelland
My 2 minutes of fame.
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- Written by Michael Kelland
Today we went on a tour to the Hanson quarry in Kulnura which was open as part of the Harvest Festival on the Central Coast. The kids loved it!!
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